What you should know about pain management medications

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Сообщения: 4
Зарегистрирован: 22 май 2024, 18:13
Мотоцикл: uk

22 май 2024, 18:55

Managing chronic and short-term pain appropriately can significantly improve the quality of life of patients who have this need. However, in recent years, addiction and overdose associated with the use of pain medications have become a national epidemic. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) reports that more than 1,000 patients are treated daily in emergency departments for misuse of prescription opioid medications 1 .

Coordinated efforts by healthcare professionals, pharmaceutical Elopag 50 mg (Eltrombopag) providers, and patients are critical to making the use of opioid pain medications safer. It is important to have the right information and support system to understand your pain management treatment options and to use pain medications safely.

Below are ways to practice safe pain medication management before, during, and after treatment.

Before you take pain medications

Discuss what type of medication is appropriate for you: Discuss the type of pain medication appropriate for your condition, whether chronic or short-term. If an opioid medication is right for you, it is best to stick to the lowest dose and shortest period of therapy that is appropriate. Acetaminophen or nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory medications can often be used to effectively manage many pain-related conditions.


Know what to expect: Discuss side effects and how to best manage them with your doctor or pharmacist.
Update your medication list: Check that your current medication profile is updated at the pharmacy or doctor's office so that drug interactions can be evaluated. Make sure all your health care providers know if you are taking medications for chronic pain conditions.
Plan with your doctor: You should understand the goals of treatment and know when to call your doctor if you experience side effects or do not get the pain relief you expect.


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